D. Lawrence "Howlin' From The Wetlands" EP CS
by D. Lawrence
Lingering on the banks of muddy river Connecticut, toes in the slop, searching the afternoon horizon for that first peak at the red moon. Bubblin', bubblin'. Build!
"Howlin' From The Wetlands" comprises D. Lawrence's last two EPs and several disparate deep cuts on one single sided cassette. Each cassette is packaged in unique hand drawn artwork.
The recordings therein are spare and skeletal, but these veins run thick and warm with the blood of song. Opener "The Off Colour Things" sets the tone: weird and wet, a voice alive and unencumbered. Guitar ballads "World" and "Friend Yr Lite" grind us deeper under the bus. Closing hymn "Travel" is a searcher's lament. The tools are simple and the motto is apparent: keep moving, stay weird- mind your blues.
Tracks 1-5 recorded in Hadley, MA, October 2013
Track 6 recorded in Cold Spring Park, Newton, MA, August 2013
Tracks 7-9 recorded in the basement, Newton, MA, March 2013
Limited dub of 30 tapes for now.